
The Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in Greater Boston is supported by members of the local community. Donations make it possible for seekers to have a place in the local community where they can engage together in the Siddha Yoga practices and participate with others in Siddha Yoga teaching and learning events.

Monthly or Single Donation

By making monthly donations to the Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in Greater Boston, you will help provide a consistent level of income that supports long-term planning. You are welcome to make donations at any time and can print out and mail in the DONATION FORM.

In Person

Financial donations may be made by check or cash and placed in the Center Offering Box in the Community Donation area at programs and events.  Please make your check payable to: Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in Greater Boston (SYMCGB).

Pledging Methods:

Automatic Withdrawal

Automatic withdrawal via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) using the bank account and routing number you provide.  

Recurring Payment

You set up recurring payments with your online banking.  The necessary center information for your bank is:  Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in Greater Boston (SYMCGB is acceptable), P.O. Box 2671, Framingham, MA 01703

Credit Cards

Credit card payments are set up with your credit card information.

By Mail

You can also mail a monthly, quarterly, or annual check to: Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in Greater Boston (SYMCGB is acceptable), P.O. Box 2671, Framingham, MA 01703

— This requires you to remember to write out and mail a check each month.

— Pledge checks may be made quarterly or annually, or another schedule. Please let us know your preference.

Pledged or donated funds may be used at the discretion and control of the Center’s Board of Directors or the Steering Committee to support the Siddha Yoga Mission, including remitting funds to the SYDA Foundation.

The Siddha Yoga Dham Affiliate of New England dba Siddha Yoga Meditation Center in Greater Boston is a 501(c)3-non-profit organization. Monetary gifts are tax deductible under U.S. law.

Contact Information

Email or leave a message for the Center’s Finance Coordinator at 617-221-5673